Completely Personalised Workout Plan for 8 Weeks
- New workout every week with detailed notes, sets, reps and rest period
- Home or Gym based workout
- Build muscle or cut fat
- Complete Pre Workout Mobility Warm-up Guide
- Complete Post Workout Stretching Guide
- Extreme Abs Circuits
Fully Personalised MSF Diet plan for 8 Weeks
- 6 Day weekly personalized diet plan detailing the food items that you need to eat, along with its quantities measured specifically for your body. It includes foods that you prefer and tasty recipes for every single meal.
- 1 weekly Cheat Day
- Updated weekly as per feedback and progress made
- Completely Natural Food
- Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian
Cash Prizes Worth ₹ 50,000 for the best transformations
1st Place: ₹ 25,000 Cash prize + 1 Year OnePass Red From Fitternity worth INR 34500/-
2nd Place: ₹ 15,000 Cash prize + 6 Months OnePass Red from Fitternity worth INR 26000/-
3rd Place: ₹ 10,000 Cash prize + 3 Months OnePass Red worth INR 16000/-
- Free 15 Days One Pass from our Associate Sponsor - Fitternity
- Super trendy athleisure/sportswear hamper(tees/tracks) from our Apparel Partner - Sweet Dreams
- Almond Milk Hampers from our Nutrition Partner - Almo Milk
How To Win?
A. Sign up for the MSF Transformation Challenge on/ before 1st March by clicking on 'Enroll Now' above or below and proceeding to pay with your Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking.
B. Once you purchase the plan, you will receive the MSF Fitness Questionnaire and your Order receipt on email.
C. Fill out the MSF Fitness Questionnaire and submit it along with your photos as per the photo submission criteria given
D. Receive your Personalised Diet and home/gym Workout Plan for Week 1 on email.
E. Start your Week 1 diet and workout on/before 9th March 2020.
F. I will collect your feedback and progress report at the end of the week to create your plan for the next week and email it to you.
G. Follow steps E & F until we reach Week 8.
H. Email me your progress photos at the end of Week 8 on/before 8th May
I. I will compare your and everyone else’s progress photos (from the MSF Transformation Challenge) at the end of Week 8 and decide the winner.
J. I will announce the winners on my social media on 13th May 2020.
The 8 Week MSF Transformation (Diet + Workout) plan normally costs ₹ 12,500 – but with this offer, you are getting a massive 52% discount and a chance to win cash prizes worth ₹ 50,000 for getting fit.
Key Dates:
Registration starts: 9th Feb 2020
Registration ends: 1st March 2020
Last date to begin your transformation journey: 9th March 2020
End of Week 8: 3rd May 2020
Last date to email your photos: 8th May 2020
Winners announced: 13th May 2020