MSF has changed my approach to fitness: Sangeet Bhatia

A regular at the gym and making moderations in diet, Sangeet Bhatia constantly adapted to fitness while juggling her roles of being a mother and a marketer. But her efforts always hit a plateau of 53 kgs leaving her amid confusion. She needed guidance and discipline to achieve her goals. And the COVID-19 led lockdown gave her the perfect time to sign up for MSF Transformation and attend to her fitness goals. 

Juggling her role as a mother and a marketing professional, Sangeet Bhatia has had a tough journey attaining her ideal weight. While she hit the gym regularly and tried eating healthy, she hit a plateau of 52-53 kgs and never seemed to push her weight below it. MSF’s structured workout plan and meal plan helped her get into a disciplined routine and changed her perception of fitness.

Transforming her health, adapting to a nutritional diet and following a dedicated workout routine, Sangeet has lost 5 kgs in 5 months. But more than weight loss, she credits the transformation to healthy eating as her achievement. Here’s her story!

Losing weight post-pregnancy

‘Post-pregnancy I was very desperate to lose pregnancy weight. And I had stopped eating for it’ says Sangeet. ‘I did have a tremendous weight loss but it left my body with a deficiency in vitamin and hemoglobin levels. When I achieved 52-53 kgs, I started eating normal food. And would try to maintain it around it’ she shares.

“With MSF, I have learned to adapt to healthier ways of losing and maintaining weight. One where I don’t deprive my body of the essential nutrients”

‘Unhealthy diet led me to lose pregnancy weight, but then I wasn’t healthy anymore. Somehow I always found myself stuck at 52-53 kgs of weight and it never went further down. Although I never looked overweight, I was not fit too’ says Sangeet. ‘With a dedicated diet that takes care of my macro and micronutrients – I know I am losing weight in a healthy way’ she shares.

My perception of healthy eating has changed!

‘Initially, the diet was tough to follow because I have never followed a strict routine when it comes to eating’ says Sangeet. ‘But then it is a big boost to have someone plan meals for you. It felt like my fitness goals are taken care of and I just need to follow.’ She shares.

“When we think of eating something, our natural tendency is to think of something unhealthy. MSF has changed it for me. My food choices are now much healthier”

‘I am someone who could live on bread. And cutting carbs was the most difficult for me’ says Sangeet. ‘MSF recognized my food patterns and helped me adapt to a sustainable and healthy diet gradually’ she explains. 

“Earlier, I used to order salads with fancy dressings in the name of healthy eating. Today I have a more mindful approach to healthy eating”

A diet that has changed the way my family eats

‘When you are on a diet, there is a lot of parental pressure coming in. If you aren't eating a lot of Rotis or rice, parents tend to ask questions and try to make you eat the regular food’ says Sangeet. ‘Watching me follow a healthy and sustainable diet that was almost the same as my regular home-made food, I saw the eating patterns of the family change’ she shares.

“My family has started to eat more veggies. A change in me has triggered a healthier change in my family too”

‘Being from a Punjabi family, my diet included a lot of parathas (made of ghee), rajma, dal, etc. MSF taught me the right proportions and healthiest way of indulging in my basic food’ says Sangeet. ‘As I shifted my eating patterns, I tried to inculcate the same for my family too. Today my family eats a lot more healthy and sustainable diet than it used to earlier’ she explains.

A structured workout routine

‘I have been working out for years now, and mostly visited gyms. But with lockdown, the at-home workout came as a revelation’ says Sangeet. ‘I never used to follow any specific structure into my workouts. MSF gave me that structure with dedicated leg days, upper body workout day, tricep workout day, etc. Now my workout routine is more balanced and feels like it's working for every body part’ she shares.


“MSF’s workout routines are interesting, challenging, and evolving. Not only did I learn to correct my workout postures, but could watch myself grow too”

‘Before MSF, I never liked doing cardio. With my fitness goals, I didn’t think I needed cardio or it would work for me’ says Sangeet. ‘But with MSF I did it routinely with my workouts and realized how it frames the holistic approach to fitness.’

Following a dedicated workout routine and meal plan, Sangeet Bhatia hasn’t just attained her fitness goals but also changed her perception of health. Slowly, her family is adapting to healthy eating too. Going forward, Sangeet aims to continue with MSF’s dedicated guidance on her meal plans and workout routine. She believes that the diet brings her discipline and health in the simplest way possible. She feels more energetic, happy, and fit today. She wishes to adapt to health & fitness as a lifestyle. ‘As I age, I want to inculcate health and fitness as a natural way of living for me and my family’ she says.


Does Sangeet’s story inspire you? If you too are struggling to break through your unhealthy food habits or post-pregnancy weight and want guidance to take your journey forward, check out the MSF Transformation Plans. Get a result-driven and custom-made diet and workout plan that doesn’t make you struggle too hard and achieve your health and fitness goals with constant guidance, motivation, and support.