Welcome to your meal plan.
This is where you get to know exactly what you need to eat, its quantity and a brief guidance recipe to help you make that meal tasty (feel free to experiment with your own recipes if you like - while keeping the main food ingredients and its quantities as given in your meal plan).
You will see 7 options in your meal plan, each day you can wake up and pick any option you want (even the option you did the day before). However, when you begin completing an option, you will need to stick to this option for the rest of the day – for example, you cannot pick ‘Option 1 – Breakfast” and then “Option 6 – Dinner”. If you happen to like Option 1’s meal plan, you can choose to repeat the Option 1 meal plan more than once in the week. This will also help you with your meal prep in advance. The order in which you consume your meals and their timings do not matter.
Pro Tip: Start your day with drinking 500-750 ml of water first thing when you wake up. You can also optionally add half a lemon and 15-20 ml of Raw, Unfiltered, Organic, Apple Cider Vinegar to this water.
Important Note: If there are any items in your meal plan that you DO NOT LIKE or are UNAVAILABLE in your area, please make sure you go to your Profile > Dietary Preferences, and update your dislikes list - so that I can avoid those foods in your meal plans moving forward. These dislikes will be taken into consideration only when I update your plan next.
In the meantime, you can simply request a Meal Swap (using the meal swap option given on the bottom right of that meal's image) if you are not happy with any of the meals, and someone from our team will swap it for you (please note that dislikes get updated only during your next update).
Otherwise, you can simply follow any other Meal Plan Option (from Options 1-7) on that given day. Remember, each day you have 7 options to choose from!
If you are falling short of time due to your hectic schedule, you can let us know and we can reduce the total number of meals in your meal plan down to 3.
In addition to that, you can choose any one of the Options from your meal plan that you like and meal prep by bulk cooking:
If you face any other issues with your meal plan, please do not hesitate to contact support.
Now hit "Done" at the top of this page and let's get smashing with your new diet 💪🏼